
My publications are listed on Google Scholar and DBLP, and available on HAL or arXiv. This page also references the artefacts, data, and tools associated with each paper.

  • Balancing the Quality and Cost of Updating Dependencies
    In International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE), 2024.

    Preprint DOI Tool Artefacts

  • Lightweight Syntactic API Usage Analysis with UCov
    In International Conference on Program Comprehension (ICPC), 2024.

    Preprint DOI Tool Artefacts

  • What the Fix? A Study of ASAT Rules Documentation
    In International Conference on Program Comprehension (ICPC), 2024.

    Preprint DOI Artefacts Zenodo

  • MOON: Assisting Students in Completing Educational Notebook Scenarios
    In Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing (VL/HCC), 2023.

    Preprint DOI Artefacts

  • MLinter: Learning Coding Practices from Examples—Dream or Reality?
    In International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution and Reengineering (SANER), 2023.

    Preprint DOI Dataset

  • BreakBot: Analyzing the Impact of Breaking Changes to Assist Library Evolution
    In International Conference on Software Engineering: New Ideas and Emerging Results, ICSE (NIER), 2022.

    Preprint DOI Tool

  • Breaking Bad? Semantic Versioning and Impact of Breaking Changes in Maven Central
    In Empirical Software Engineering (EMSE), 2022.

    Preprint DOI Companion webpage Artefacts Tool

  • Immediate Feedback for Students to Solve Notebook Reproducibility Problems in the Classroom
    In Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing (VL/HCC), 2021. Short paper.

    Preprint DOI Artefacts

  • Automatic Generation of Truffle-Based Interpreters for Domain-Specific Languages
    In Journal of Object Technology (JOT), 2020. ECMFA papers.

    PDF DOI Companion webpage Tool

  • FOCUS: A Recommender System for Mining API Function Calls and Usage Patterns
    In 41th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), 2019.

    Preprint DOI Tool Artefacts

  • The Software Language Extension Problem
    Expert Voice in Software & Systems Modeling (SoSyM), 2019.

    Preprint DOI

  • An Empirical Evaluation of OSGi Dependencies Best Practices in the Eclipse IDE
    In 15th International Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR), 2018.

    Preprint DOI Artefacts

  • Constraint-based Runtime State Migration for Live Modeling
    In 11th International Conference on Software Language Engineering (SLE), 2018.

    Preprint DOI Tool

  • Modular Language Composition for the Masses
    In 11th International Conference on Software Language Engineering (SLE), 2018.

    Preprint DOI Tool

  • Shape-Diverse DSLs: Languages without Borders (Vision Paper)
    In 11th International Conference on Software Language Engineering (SLE), 2018.

    Preprint DOI Tool

  • Concern-Oriented Language Development (COLD): Fostering Reuse in Language Engineering
    In Computer Languages, Systems, and Structures, 2018.

    Preprint DOI

  • Revisiting Visitors for Modular Extension of Executable DSMLs
    In International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS), 2017.

    Preprint DOI Tool Artefacts

  • Safe Model Polymorphism for Flexible Modeling
    In Computer Languages, Systems, and Structures (COMLAN), 2017.

    Preprint DOI Artefacts

  • On Language Interfaces
    In PAUSE: Present and Ulterior Software Engineering, 2017.
    Ed. Bertrand Meyer and Manuel Mazzara.

    Preprint DOI

  • Engineering a Rover Language in GEMOC Studio & Monticore: A Comparison of Language Reuse Support
    In 1st Workshop on Model Driven Engineering Tools (MDETools@MODELS), 2017.


  • Leveraging Software Product Lines Engineering in the Development of External DSLs: A Systematic Literature Review
    In Computer Languages, Systems, and Structures (COMLAN), 2016.

    Preprint DOI

  • Execution Framework of the GEMOC Studio (Tool Demo)
    In International Conference on Software Language Engineering (SLE), 2016.

    Preprint DOI

  • Melange: A Meta-language for Modular and Reusable Development of DSLs
    In International Conference on Software Language Engineering (SLE), 2015.

    Preprint DOI Tool

  • Towards an Automation of the Mutation Analysis Dedicated to Model Transformation
    In Software Testing, Verification, and Reliability (STVR), 2015.

    Preprint DOI

  • A Solution to the TTC'15 Model Execution Case Using the GEMOC Studio
    In Proceedings of the 8th Transformation Tool Contest (TTC@STAF), 2015.
    Overall winner of the model execution case.

    Preprint Artefacts

  • Tooling Support for Variability and Architectural Patterns in Systems Engineering
    In International Software Product Line Conference (SPLC), 2015.
    Tool demonstration.

    Preprint DOI Tool

  • Reusing Legacy DSLs with Melange
    In International Workshop on Domain-Specific Modeling (DSM), 2015.

    Preprint DOI

  • Motivating Use Cases for the Globalization of DSLs
    In Globalizing Domain-Specific Languages, 2014.
    Ed. Benoit Combemale, Betty Cheng, Robert B. France, Jean-Marc Jézéquel, Bernhard Rumpe.

    Preprint DOI

  • When Systems Engineering Meets Software Language Engineering
    In Complex Systems Design & Management (CSDM), 2014.

    Preprint DOI

  • Variability and Patterns in Safety/Security Systems Engineering: An Overview
    In Journées Lignes de Produits (JLDP), 2014.
    National French Symposium.

  • Using Meta-model Coverage to Qualify Test Oracles
    In International Workshop on the Analysis of Model Transformations (AMT), 2013.



  • Composition and Interoperability for External Domain-Specific Language Engineering
    PhD Thesis, 2016
    Advisors: Pr. Olivier Barais, Dr. Arnaud Blouin, Dr. Benoit Combemale.
    More information on the dedicated webpage.

  • Automatic Generation of Test Models for Model Transformations using Mutation Analysis
    Master Thesis, 2013
    Advisors: Dr. Jean-Marie Mottu, Dr. Gerson Sunyé.

    PDF Slides

PhD Students


  • ANR JCJC ALIEN (PI): Usage-driven Software Library Evolution (2022–2025)
  • H2020 CROSSMINER (WP leader): Developer-Centric Knowledge Mining from Large Open-Source Software Repositories (2017–2019)
  • ALE (Associate member): Agile Language Engineering, Associate team between Inria's DiverSE and CWI's SWAT (2017–2022)
  • LEOC Clarity (Member): Ecosystem for the Model-Based Systems Engineering Solution Capella (2014–2017)
  • ANR INS GEMOC (Member): A Tool-Supported Approach for Omniscient Debugging and Concurrent Execution of Heterogeneous Models (2012–2016)
  • ITEA2 MERgE (Member): Multi-Concerns Interactions System Engineering (2012–2016)

